  • Baltimore Motor Vehicle Offense Lawyers

    Top 5 Facts About DWLS Charges in Maryland

    A charge of driving while license suspended is a serious traffic offense. The key to facing criminal charges, however, is to have knowledge that your license was suspended when police pulled you over. Knowledge can come from a letter from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration announcing the suspension of your license or you may know […]

  • do speeding tickets show up on background checks

    Will a Speeding Ticket Show Up on a Background Check?

    If you’re concerned about a speeding ticket showing up on a background check, you first need to ask what type of background check it is. For instance, background checks for employment tend to dig into your criminal history rather than your driving record. Traffic violations happen when drivers break the rules of the road. While […]

  • clean up driving record

    5 Ways a Poor Driving Record can Affect Your Life

    Few events in life follow you around like those that go on your driving record. The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) keeps track of every citation you incur. Citations in Maryland can add up to points against your license, which could ultimately lead to a driver’s license suspension. A poor driving record may not only […]

  • Maryland traffic citation codes

    Maryland Criminal Traffic Charges

    Most people are familiar with common traffic offenses like speeding or running a stop sign. Typically, these moving violations result in a citation for which you may incur points against your driver’s license and a fine; however, some traffic offenses may double as criminal acts. If you have been charged with a more serious traffic offense, […]