  • how to fight a camera speeding ticket

    Your Guide to Maryland Speed Camera Tickets

    Navigating the roads of Maryland can sometimes feel like a balancing act, especially with the presence of speed cameras monitoring your every move. Whether you’re cruising through a school zone or passing a construction site, these automated systems are designed to catch and penalize speeding drivers. While receiving a speed camera ticket can be frustrating […]

  • mva suspended license

    Why Was Your License Suspended in Maryland?

    Despite an array of public transportation options, most people in Baltimore rely on driving to get around. Residents of Baltimore and the greater state of Maryland drive to hold down a job, take their kids to and from school, attend medical appointments, get groceries, and more. Losing the legal ability to drive through a driver’s […]

  • Out of State Traffic Ticket Lawyer

    What Happens If I Get a Ticket While Driving on a Provisional License in Maryland?

    To obtain a Maryland driver’s license, drivers first have to participate in a graduated license system (GLS). Drivers who are at least 16 years and six months old and who have gained at least nine months of experience behind the wheel with a learner’s permit are allowed to become Maryland provisional license holders as the […]

  • What Does SIU Mean in Accident Claims?

    In the realm of insurance and accident claims, navigating through the acronyms and industry jargon can often be akin to deciphering a complex code. One such acronym that frequently surfaces is SIU. SIU, or Special Investigation Unit, plays a crucial role in the insurance industry, particularly when claims raise suspicions of fraud or deceptive activities. […]

  • Determining Fault When Both Drivers Are Being Reckless

    Distracting, aggressive, or dangerous acts committed while driving contribute to numerous crashes on Maryland roadways. When both parties of an accident behaved recklessly at the time of the crash, determining who was truly at fault is a complex challenge. Understanding the dynamics in these scenarios is vital for anyone involved in an accident where both […]

  • Understanding the Penalties for Failure to Produce a License in Maryland

    If you are in the driver’s seat of a moving vehicle, you must produce a valid driver’s license by request during a routine traffic stop in Maryland. Failure to comply with this obligation can have far-reaching consequences, impacting various facets of your life. Whether it results in a citation, court appearances, or even the suspension […]

  • Is Brake Checking Illegal in Maryland?

    Maryland’s roadways can be a breeding ground for tension and impatience among drivers. In our stop-and-go traffic, it is not uncommon to witness behaviors like brake checking. Unfortunately, these maneuvers can turn what would otherwise be a routine commute into a hazardous situation – but is it against the law? If you have found yourself […]

  • A Guide to Maryland’s Teen Driving Laws

    Getting a driver’s license is a milestone that many teens look forward to, but parents may feel a mixture of pride and worry as their children gain more independence. For Maryland parents and teens, it’s important to know Maryland’s driving laws, including the state’s rookie driver program, motorcycle regulations, and drinking and driving policy. This […]

  • Should You Video Your Interactions With Maryland Police Officers?

    If you are stopped at a DUI checkpoint or pulled over by the police in Maryland, it’s important to understand your rights to record your police interactions and how doing so can benefit you and your case. Like many states, Maryland recognizes your right to record law enforcement in public spaces under certain conditions. Having […]

  • When Can a Police Officer Pull You Over in Maryland?

    When driving in Maryland, you may worry about being pulled over and wonder when a traffic stop is legal. According to the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, law enforcement must have reasonable suspicion before pulling you over. When they do, they cannot prolong the stop or look for other violations. Our knowledgeable lawyer at […]