Do You Need to Hire a Maryland Bench Warrant Lawyer?


If you have recently discovered you have a bench warrant out for your arrest, you may wonder what your next step should be. While bench warrants are common in cases involving missed court dates or unpaid fines, they still carry serious consequences. Hiring a lawyer skilled in handling bench warrants can make a big difference in resolving the matter swiftly.

After receiving a bench warrant, consulting a skilled lawyer is essential to safeguard your rights and navigate the legal process effectively. At The Law Office of Hillel Traub, we bring over 30 years of experience helping individuals resolve bench warrants and related legal issues. As a former lawyer for the MVA, Attorney Hillel Traub understands the complexities of Maryland’s legal system and is committed to helping clients pursue favorable outcomes for their cases.

What Is a Bench Warrant?

A bench warrant is a court order directing law enforcement to arrest an individual and bring them before the court. Unlike an arrest warrant, usually issued based on suspected criminal activity, a bench warrant is typically issued when a person fails to comply with a court requirement.

Bench warrants can be issued for various reasons, such as:

  • Failure to appear in court: Missing a court date is one of the most common reasons a bench warrant is issued. The court views attendance as a serious responsibility, and failure to appear can lead to legal consequences.
  • Unpaid fines or fees: Courts may issue a bench warrant if someone fails to pay court-ordered fines or fees within the specified time.
  • Probation violations: Violating probation terms, such as failing a drug test, missing a check-in with a probation officer, or failing to complete court-ordered classes or community service, can result in a bench warrant.
  • Failure to comply with court orders: Disobeying any court-ordered requirement, such as providing certain documentation or attending required meetings, can also result in a bench warrant.

Addressing a bench warrant quickly is essential to avoid further legal complications and protect your rights.

How a Maryland Bench Warrant Lawyer Can Help

Hiring a Maryland bench warrant lawyer can be instrumental in resolving your case and protecting your rights. Skilled legal counsel can provide the following benefits:

Addressing the Warrant Promptly

One of the first steps a lawyer may take is working with you to address the warrant proactively. This may involve contacting the court, arranging a new court date, or negotiating terms that allow you to avoid being taken into custody.

Negotiating on Your Behalf

An attorney can often negotiate with the court to minimize the penalties associated with your warrant. Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer may advocate for reduced fines, alternatives to jail time, or other favorable outcomes. This can be especially important if you have valid reasons for missing your court appearance or falling behind on requirements.

Protecting Your Rights and Future

Legal representation ensures you understand your rights and that you’re not inadvertently making your situation worse. Lawyers with experience in bench warrants know the ins and outs of Maryland’s legal system, which can be essential in protecting your future and reducing the long-term impact on your record.

The Law Office of Hillel Traub: Helping You Handle Bench Warrants in Maryland

At The Law Office of Hillel Traub, we are experienced in helping clients resolve bench warrants and avoid the serious consequences they can bring. We understand unexpected situations can arise, and Attorney Hillel Traub is here to guide you through the process, whether it involves addressing an active bench warrant, negotiating penalties, or working toward a favorable court resolution.

Whether you need assistance addressing the warrant, negotiating penalties, or protecting your record, we can help. Don’t wait until the warrant affects your life further—act now to resolve the issue efficiently. Contact us today at (410) 580-1100 or visit our contact form.