
DUI with a Minor Passenger Lawyer in Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore DUI with a Minor Passenger Lawyer


An arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol in Maryland is a severe offense that drivers should never attempt to resolve on their own. If you’re arrested for a suspected DUI while children are in the car, you may be subject to significantly enhanced punishments. A DUI with a minor in your vehicle may result in further criminal allegations of child endangerment. The support of a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense lawyer should always be retained when confronted with a DUI charge in Maryland.

If you’re arrested for DUI with a minor in the vehicle, do not plead guilty to the offense until you’ve consulted with a qualified DUI lawyer. Contact a seasoned Baltimore DUI defense attorney at The Law Office of Hillel Traub to learn your options for resolving your case with the most favorable outcome.

What Is a DUI with a Minor in Vehicle According to Maryland Law?

Under Maryland’s Transportation Code Section 21-902, it is against the law to drive while under the influence of alcohol. You can be charged for DUI in Maryland if your blood alcohol content (BAC) level is found to be 0.08 or higher, or 0.04 or higher if you are a commercial driver. A driver under the age of 21 can be charged with DUI if their BAC measures at 0.02. Additionally, Maryland drivers may be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) if their BAC registers at 0.07.

A DUI with a minor in a vehicle occurs when a driver is arrested for having a BAC of 0.08 or higher while a passenger under 18 is present. Whether that passenger is 17 years or 17 months old, the driver is held equally liable and will be charged with this criminal offense.

What Are the Penalties for DUI with a Minor in Vehicle in Maryland?

If you’re charged with DUI with a minor in the vehicle in Baltimore or throughout the state of Maryland, you may potentially face the following criminal penalties:

  • First DUI with a minor: Up to two years in jail and up to $2,000 in fines
  • Second DUI with a minor: Up to three years in jail and up to $3,000 in fines
  • Third or subsequent DUI with a minor: Up to four years in jail and up to $4,000 in fines
  • First DWI with a minor: Up to six months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines
  • Second or subsequent DWI with a minor: Up to one year in jail and up to $2,000 in fines

Along with potential criminal penalties, Maryland drivers may also be subject to administrative penalties for DUI with a minor in vehicle. Each DUI conviction incurs 12 points against a driver’s license, and it’s 8 points for each DWI conviction. In Maryland, driver’s licenses are suspended when they accumulate 8–11 points and are revoked after 12 points.

That implies that any Maryland driver convicted of even a first-time DUI offense will have their driver’s license suspended for a certain period. The same applies to a conviction for DUI with a minor in vehicle. Under Maryland law, the state may suspend driver’s licenses for up to 18 months, often as a consequence of a third or subsequent DUI offense.

What Defenses May Be Used to Counter a DUI with a Minor in Vehicle Charge?

If you’re facing DUI charges with a minor in the vehicle, it’s often infeasible to claim that there was no child present in the car when you were arrested for driving impaired. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, a seasoned criminal defense lawyer will instead utilize one of the following defense strategies in such a case:

  • Assess the legality of the traffic stop
  • Examine whether probable cause was present before the arrest
  • Examine whether the officer was properly trained to administer the breath or blood test
  • Examine whether the breathalyzer device was calibrated appropriately
  • Investigate whether the proper chain of command followed with blood test results
  • Investigate the arresting police officer’s conduct and whether they acted lawfully

Speak with an Experienced Baltimore Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been arrested for DUI with a minor in the vehicle, do not delay retaining a qualified criminal defense attorney with experience handling DUI cases such as yours. This is a serious charge that can significantly impact your life and freedom if left ignored. It is in your best interest to discuss your case with a seasoned criminal defense attorney who understands Maryland criminal laws.

Contact The Law Office of Hillel Traub in Baltimore, Maryland to consult with an attorney with over 25 years of legal experience. Attorney Hillel Traub is a knowledgeable litigator with a record of proven results. Schedule your free consultation today by completing a contact form or calling 410-580-1100.


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