
Woodlawn Traffic Lawyer

Defense for Woodlawn Traffic Offenses

The Traffic Ticket Lawyer with Integrity

Police who monitor the flow of traffic in Woodlawn, Maryland have a keen eye for recognizing driving errors that may constitute traffic infractions. Most people who live in or near Woodlawn and carry a driver’s license have received a traffic ticket at some point in their lives. From speeding a few miles per hour to drunk driving, the severity of a citation can be mild to severe. A ticket for a criminal offense like DUI requires urgent attention, while one for running a red light may lead to points against your driver’s license without further penalties.

Traffic violations can lead to accidents, and people generally understand that the role of police officers is to reduce the number of incidents that could cause fatalities and severe injuries. However, many people who receive a citation are cited for a more serious infraction than they actually committed. In some cases, the officer may have flagged the wrong driver. If you’ve received a traffic ticket in Woodlawn, you should speak with an attorney about the citation before you respond to it.

Common Traffic Offenses that May Lead to a Ticket

There are two general types of traffic offenses in Maryland: payable and must appear offenses. Payable offenses are the most common and may be referred to as “minor traffic violations” because they do not carry the possibility of incarceration if a driver is found guilty. Examples of payable or minor traffic violations in Woodlawn are:

  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Speeding at less than 10 miles per hour over the limit
  • Improper turning
  • Failure to wear a seatbelt
  • Texting while driving

When you receive a ticket for a payable offense, the Maryland MVA provides you with the option of paying the ticket by sending a check in the mail or paying the fine online. You could also request a hearing and have an attorney represent you in court. There are positives and negatives to both choices; however, choosing an attorney usually leads to the most favorable outcome.

When you pay a traffic ticket, you admit to the court that you committed the offense. Paying the fine will make your short-term responsibility to respond to the ticket disappear, but you will still get points on your license. In Maryland, a rigid points system determines that, if you’ve accumulated a certain number of points within two years, your license will be suspended.

Requesting a hearing to have an attorney represent you might seem like more effort, but it’s usually worth it in the long run. Your lawyer will investigate all the details of your case, including who the arresting officer was, how his tools were calibrated (if you were caught for speeding), and gather other facts to weaken the prosecution’s case against you. Your lawyer will have a better chance of having your ticket dismissed than you will at representing yourself in court. Ultimately, your Woodlawn traffic lawyer’s goal is to have your ticket dismissed or your traffic charge reduced to a lesser charge. Reducing a charge is especially important in criminal traffic cases where it may be more challenging to have your case dismissed.

Serious Traffic Violations May Lead to Criminal Penalties

Serious traffic violations, also called “must appear” violations, require you to show up in court. These offenses are criminal in nature and may lead to harsh consequences upon a conviction.

You cannot pay the court a fine and move on from a charge of a serious traffic violation. These charges require the aid of an experienced traffic lawyer to provide a strategic defense. One of the main penalties you could face upon a conviction is incarceration, in addition to steep fines and other burdensome punishments. A serious traffic violation is a crime committed behind the wheel and may be punishable by up to one year in jail. Consider that the following offenses are must appear violations:

  • DUI
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
  • DUI Manslaughter
  • Hit and Run Accident
  • Driving with a Suspended/Revoked License
  • Driving Without a License
  • Fleeing Law Enforcement Officers

If you received a citation for a serious traffic violation, know that you face a criminal charge. Don’t take your chances with a poorly qualified attorney. While many traffic lawyers in Woodlawn may have vast experience fighting payable offenses, you need a lawyer who has a thorough understanding of Maryland’s criminal justice system to represent you.

Woodlawn Traffic Lawyer Hillel Traub is On Your Side

Attorney Hillel Traub of The Law Office of Hillel Traub has served the people of Woodlawn and greater Baltimore for 20 years. As a former Maryland Assistant Attorney General for the Maryland MVA, he understands the actions they will take to strip you of your driving privileges if you’re convicted of a serious violation or if you’ve reached the maximum number of points on your license.

Hillel Traub is a dedicated traffic lawyer who provides personalized representation to each client. He will personally handle your case and represent you in court. Don’t pay a traffic ticket and don’t ignore criminal charges. Speak with Hillel Traub to learn your options for defense at this difficult time. Call (410) 580-1100 for a free consultation or complete our contact form.


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